Monday, August 17, 2009

Zac :: Class of 2010

Well, these aren't technically his senior pictures, but Zac and I both decided that I was seriously lacking in great pictures of guys, so we headed downtown for a mini photoshoot. Besides, I needed some more practice with my DSLR--I'm still getting used to the manual focus (and loving every second of it!)

There's always one picture that I can hardly wait to get home and start editing, and this is it! There's something about the coloring and the expression on his face that I really like.

And, last but not least...


Thanks again for letting me borrow your face and for doing the driving, Zac!


  1. got my ninja side on that first one.

  2. Has Zac ever seen Zoolander? Because there's obviously the potential for a career in modeling . . . (Seriously--nice pictures! Zac has a great smile!)

  3. haha, i haven't quite found my 'blue steel' yet... ;)
    but thank you

  4. katie, you are brilliant. and zac makes a fairly okay model.
